
Interested in applying to the Emamaco Wholesale program so that you can sell awesome Emamaco branded products?

The Emamaco Wholesale program is an easy to use invitation only website that is tailored to you. And the application process is super easy:

1. Email us your details (instructions below)

2. We negotiate the important details (volumes, price, terms and advertising)

3. We setup your tailored online ordering portal.
It will have:

- secure individual access for you and your nominated team members
- all our agreed customised pricing and terms
- an ultra easy to use interface that’s almost like buying from an online shop, but tailored for you!

4. Get Ordering, we’ll follow up with you and keep you in the loop on timeframes. Remember to check out shipping and logistics info (link found at the bottom of the wholesale home page)

Start by sending us your details!

Send the following details through to Emma at emma@emamaco.com

Why do you want to stock Emamaco?

Roughly how many items would you need to order in your first order and then ongoing?

1. What is your company name?


- what do you specialise in?

2. Main contact details:

- Name

- email

- phone

- do you agree to receive email and sms marketing updates?

3. Company location

- shipping address

- phone number

Optional (but useful info to share):

- how large is your customer base?

- how many social followers do you have and link your social media accounts

- how large is your email and sms list?